Robert Poswall

E40s "EPK - What's Crackulatin?"
Producer: Earl Stevens
Director: Rob Poswall
DP: Rob Poswall
Editor: Rob Poswall

D-Shot "Documentary"
Producer: Chris Martin/Rob Poswall
Director: Johnny Cabaddu
DP: Rob Poswall
Editor: Johnny Cabaddu

D-Shot "Behind The Scenes of Obstacles."
Producer: D-Shot
Director: Rob Poswall
DP: Rob Poswall
Editor: Rob Poswall
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Spreading Propaganda
Producer: Nadine Laule
Director: Nadine Laule and David Moisl
DP: Robert Poswall
Editor: Nadine and David

Scratching the status quo - The lives and views of the anarchist record label Entartete Kunst

Available To Order at AK Press

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FTV "San Francisco Film Festival"
Producer: Nadine Laule
Director: Robert Poswall
DP: Robert Poswall...
Editor: Amy Mitchell/Rob Poswall/Nadine Laule/Amy Mitchell...

A Daily TV show about the happenings at the film festival! We Interviewed: Dustin Hoffman, Robert Altmin, and many more..

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Street Legendz "On the Road"
Producer: Corey Johnson
Director: Todd Hickey
DP: Todd Hickey
Editor: Rob Poswall/Johnny Cabaddu

Broken Hearts
Producer: Chris Martin
Director: Chris Martin
DP: Rob Poswall
Editor: Chris Martin

The last public lynching's in California history (1933), Holmes and Thurmond had confessed to the kidnap and murder of Brooke Hart, 22-year-old heir to his family-named department store.

The Hart family was one of the most beloved and benevolent families in San Jose, and the close-knit community was hit hard by the loss.

The lynching's were hailed by many, including California Governor James Rolph, as "justice served." For others, the deaths became an important battle in a larger war being waged against lynching.

Boiled down to its most basic elements, Broken Harts is about social justice, and how such a violent act may be seen as justice by some, and as gruesome revenge by others.
